Files in acad.rx
Partials to Main CUI/CUIX named MNLs
Partials to Main CUI/CUIXloaded LSPs and MNLs in the order seen in CUI
Main CUI/CUIX named MNL
Main CUI/CUIX loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Partials to Enterprise CUI/CUIX named MNLs
Partials to Enterprise CUI/CUIX loaded LSPs and MNLs in the order seen in CUI
Enterprise CUI/CUIX named MNL
Enterprise CUI/CUIX loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Express Tools loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Files in the startup suite in listed order seen in APPLOAD
(S::STARTUP) called
Script file started by acad.exe command line switch /b
Partials to Main CUI/CUIX named MNLs
Partials to Main CUI/CUIXloaded LSPs and MNLs in the order seen in CUI
Main CUI/CUIX named MNL
Main CUI/CUIX loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Partials to Enterprise CUI/CUIX named MNLs
Partials to Enterprise CUI/CUIX loaded LSPs and MNLs in the order seen in CUI
Enterprise CUI/CUIX named MNL
Enterprise CUI/CUIX loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Express Tools loaded LSP and MNL in the order seen in CUI
Files in the startup suite in listed order seen in APPLOAD
(S::STARTUP) called
Script file started by acad.exe command line switch /b
ACADLSPASDOC = 1 Kör acad.lsp vid varje start av ny ritning
SDI = 1 Single Document Interface, endast 1 ritning i taget
LISPINIT = 1 ser till att acad.lsp körs varje gång
LISPINIT = 1 ser till att acad.lsp körs varje gång
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